Mutton Bustin'

Coleman PRCA Rodeo 2025
DATES: June 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2025
The 89th Annual Coleman PRCA Rodeo will be hosting Kid's Mutton Bustin'. Mutton Bustin' has become a popular addition to Rodeo Performances and is similar to the Grown-up Cowboy rough stock except that the youngsters will ride SHEEP. Contestants must weigh 55 pounds or less to be eligible. Fifteen contestants compete each night of the rodeo prior to rodeo performance. Each child will receive an official Mutton Bustin’ T-shirt for participating. The T-shirts are donated by Coleman Rodeo Association. The contestant with the highest marked score each night will receive a Champion Belt Buckle sponsored by the Rotary Club. BELOW is more info, and attached is the entry form you can download and print to enter the Mutton Bustin':
- Deadline is Tuesday, June 10th at 4:00 PM
Entry fee of $10 is required with completed entry form.
Click the button below to add to Cart.
NOTE: You MUST complete the form and get it in!
The button only provides a way to pay the entry fee. - When: Check in at 7:00 Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Mutton Bustin' starts at 7:15.)
- Where: Coleman Rodeo Arena (west side by contestant office - Look for Coleman County Cowgirls to check in.)
To Enter: Fill out entry blank on this page and return to Coleman Chamber of Commerce. Fax them to 325-625-2163, or email them to or drop of at the Coleman Chamber of Commerce office at 218 Commercial Ave.